Wolfenstein The Old Blood Expansion
Wolfenstein The Old Blood Expansion
Publisher: Archon Studios

Wolfenstein The Old Blood Expansion
This isn't the first time that BJ has visitedCastle Wolfenstein. In 1946, he and Agent One,Richard Wesley, successfully infiltrated thefortress. The objective was simple; grab someintel and get out. What they discovered withinthe walls of the Castle were unspeakablehorrors.
Start your campaign in Castle Wolfenstein andfind a way to escape while Rudi Ja?ger is on yourback! Navigate through the streets of Wulfburgand discover what the Nazis are secretlyworking on!
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood offers players fournew scenarios that make up a closed prequelcampaign with five new hero cards (and minis)and the ability to control your own Mech. Itincludes two new bosses (The Monstrosity andRudi Ja?ger) and three new enemy types thatcome in two different variants each.