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Obsession 2nd Edition


Obsession 2nd Edition

Obsession 2nd Edition


Publisher: Kayenta Games

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Obsession 2nd Edition

You are the head of a respected buttroubled family estate in mid-19th centuryVictorian England. After several leandecades, family fortunes are looking up!Your goal is to improve your estate so as tobe in better standing with the trulyinfluential families in Derbyshire.

Obsession is a game of 16 to 20 turns inwhich players build a deck of Victoriangentry (British social upper class), renovatetheir estate by acquiring building tiles froma centralized builders' market, andmanipulate an extensive service staff ofbutlers, housekeepers, underbutlers,maids, valets, and footmen utilizing a novelworker placement mechanic. Successfullyhosting prestigious social activities such asFox Hunts, Music Recitals, Billiards,Political Debates, and Grand Balls increasesa player's wealth, reputation, andconnections among the elite.

Each turn, players choose a building tile representing a room or outdoor space in andaround their 19th century British country house. The tile chosen dictates the event that canbe hosted and the guests to be invited. Players must carefully plan, however, to have theproper staff available to service the event and support guests as needed. The reward forsuccess is new investment opportunities, permitting further renovation of the estate(acquisition of more valuable/powerful building tiles), an increase in reputation in thecounty, an expanding circle of influential acquaintances, and a larger and highly-traineddomestic staff.

Throughout the game, a competitive courtship for the hand of the most eligible younggentleman and lady in the county presents specific renovation and reputation objectives.The player who best meets these objectives while accumulating victory points will win thehand of the wealthy love interest and the game. 

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